グリーンファイナンス外国企業進出支援事業 支援対象企業の公表について


配信日時: 2023-03-30 18:45:30



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/52467/4299/resize/d52467-4299-9741a98aec6694df38ac-0.png ]



          Green Finance Subsidy Program for Tokyo Market Entry
          Announcement of Companies to be Supported

While looking ahead to the post-Corona period, The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) is promoting "Sustainable Recovery," which aims for a sustainable economic and social recovery by advancing climate change countermeasures. To ensure this, TMG is further promoting green finance, an investment for the future, and expanding its market.

As one of the measures to realize this goal, we launched the " Green Finance Subsidy Program for Tokyo Market Entry " last fiscal year, which provides focused and intensive support for expenses required by overseas asset managers and fintech companies involved in green finance when they start new businesses in Tokyo.

This fiscal year, we are pleased to announce that 54 companies from 18 countries and regions applied for the program, and seven companies were selected for subsidy by a review committee of outside experts and others.

Outline of companies eligible for support(japanese syllabary order)

[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/52467/4299/resize/d52467-4299-481effaff5b0f22a8a00-1.png ]

※For more information, please visit the TMG website.

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