『Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week』の開催及び『Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum』『みんなの金融セミナー』参加者募集について


配信日時: 2022-08-31 14:00:03

この度、一般社団法人東京国際金融機構(FinCity.Tokyo:フィンシティ・トーキョー)は、東京都の「『国際金融都市・東京』構想2.0」に基づく事業の一環として、持続可能な都市づくりに貢献するESG投資やサステナブルファイナンスの普及、及び同分野における東京のプレゼンスの向上等を目的とする「Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week(東京・サステナブル・ファイナンス・ウィーク)」を令和4年10月3日より9日まで実施します。




The Organization of Global Financial City Tokyo (FinCity.Tokyo) is pleased to inform you that the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week will take place from October 3 to 9, 2022. This event will be held as part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Global Financial City: Tokyo” Vision 2.0 project, to promote ESG investment and sustainable finance while enhancing Tokyo’s presence in these fields, which contribute to building sustainable cities.

Among the programs to take place during the Finance Week is the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum (“Forum”), which is intended for domestic and international financial institutions and other entities and will address subjects pertaining to global trends and future perspectives of sustainable finance. The Forum features lectures by experts from both Japan and abroad, with business pitches by fintech companies that are thriving in the sustainable finance sector.

Another feature program is the Financial Seminar for Everyone (“Seminar”), which is intended for the general public, particularly those who are interested in and/or who want to start investing to enhance financial literacy and raise awareness about sustainable finance. Participants in the Seminar can learn the basic knowledge of sustainable finance, investment, and finance.

We will open registrations today for the Forum and Seminar. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
*From this fiscal year, the Finance Week will be organized by FinCity.Tokyo, which has taken over the role from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

1 日時・対象者 Date and time/target audience
(1)フォーラム Forum
   令和4年10月4日(火曜日) 午後4時00分 から 午後6時00分まで(予定)
   Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (tentative)
   Target audience: Domestic and international financial institutions, financial industry groups,
            public institutions, etc.
*The Forum will be live streamed online simultaneously in Japanese and English.

(2)セミナー Seminar
   令和4年10月8日(土曜日) 午後2時00分 から 午後4時00分まで(予定)
Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (tentative)
Target audience: Those who are interested in sustainable finance and investing
and/or who want to start investing, etc.
*The Seminar will be held only in Japanese.
*Both the Forum and Seminar will be open to all people.

2 開催方法 Method
 The event will take place online.

3 登壇者・講師等 Speakers/lecturers, etc.
 Please see the outline in the attachment

4 申込方法 How to apply
 Please visit https://tsfw.tokyo/en/ for application.

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