MackeyRMS Adds Integration with Symphony, Slack and Microsoft Teams
配信日時: 2019-10-30 10:00:00
BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE, Oct 30, 2019 - ( JCN Newswire ) - MackeyRMS, the leading provider of next-generation research management software, today announced integrations with messaging applications Symphony, Slack and Microsoft Teams. The new integrations enable the seamless capture, sharing and audit of chat collaborations among investment teams about securities and funds within their portfolios.
Symphony, Slack and Microsoft Teams have seen rapid adoption in recent years within the financial services industry, and particularly within asset management firms seeking to modernize and streamline the way investment teams collaborate and communicate. Integration with MackeyRMS, a pioneer in modern, mobile-first financial technology, will facilitate a more structured, fully auditable framework for investment process communications.
These integrations add to the more than 50 financial applications that already seamlessly integrate with MackeyRMS, an investment research management platform unrivaled in its ability to work with users' existing devices, applications and workflows to aggregate and organize both external and proprietary research content.
"We were founded on the core belief that outdated financial technologies had created fundamental flaws in the way investment teams manage and share insights and intelligence about their investment portfolios," said Chris Mackey, founder and CEO of MackeyRMS. "To address that problem, we engineered a platform that mirrors the way teams work today and has the built-in flexibility to adapt when new technologies and workflow preferences emerge. These latest integrations are a part of that continued mission."
About MackeyRMS
MackeyRMS is the leading SaaS-delivered research management software engineered for the modern investment management firm. Founded in 2011 as the first next-generation RMS, the firm quickly became the dominant provider in the market. Early adopters of the technology were long-short equity hedge fund investment teams seeking a flexible platform to support custom investment process workflows. Today, the world's leading asset managers, multi-managers and institutional allocators use MackeyRMS to manage their investment process, engender trust from investors and boards, and streamline their regulatory and compliance procedures. MackeyRMS serves nearly 100 clients in more than 30 countries representing more than $2.5 trillion in AUM. For more information, please visit:
Media Contact:
Adam Gerber
Caliber Corporate Advisers
T: 1.917.985.6630 ext.09
SOURCE: Caliber Corporate Advisers
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