配信日時: 2024-10-21 11:00:00
コグニティブリサーチラボ株式会社「以下、CRL」(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役CEO苫米地英人)は、国家安全保障問題の発生リスクや企業における自然災害・治安情勢悪化による人的被害リスクの回避・抑制を支援するために、三菱電機株式会社(東京都千代田区、CEO:漆間 啓、以下、三菱電機)との協業に向けた覚書(MOU)を10月17日に締結しました。
今後も CRL は、生成 AI、サイバーセキュリティー、機械学習技術、認知防衛技術を駆使した認知領域戦システムを含む最先端の製品・サービスの開発を強力に推進し、次世代技術の力でより多くの人々の幸福追求と社会の発展に貢献してまいります。
※1 大量の公開情報や各企業のデータを人工知能を用いて分析し、対処行動を提案するシステム
Cognitive Research Lab and Mitsubishi Electric Sign MOU to Study Decision-Support System in Cognitive Domain
Aim to develop AI system for organizations responding to national security risks and public crises
October 21, 2024 - Cognitive Research Lab announced today that it signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation on October 17 with the aim of developing a business that helps organizations make decisions to avoid/mitigate national security risk and human risk related to natural disasters and public-safety situations.
Based on the MOU, Cognitive Research Lab’s cutting-edge technologies in generative artificial intelligence (AI), reinforcement learning, machine learning and knowledge in neuroscience and cognitive science, will be combined with Mitsubishi Electric’s technologies and expertise, cultivated through the company’s development of defense equipment.
The goal is to create a next-generation Decision-Support System in the Cognitive Domain that utilizes AI to analyze vast amounts of public information and company data in order to propose appropriate responses to crises. The envisioned system is expected to provide decision makers with information on situations in regional areas and propose appropriate action in Japan and other markets worldwide.
CRL remains at the forefront of technological advancement including Cognitive Warfare Systems and is committed to harnessing the power of AI, cybersecurity, and cognitive defense to create a safer, more secure, and prosperous future for all.
These examples highlight the collaboration’s key technological strengths and emphasize its global impact on security and crisis management, making the message compelling for international stakeholders.
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