NECが「Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators」に12年連続で選出 -English follows-


配信日時: 2023-02-17 13:00:00

日本電気株式会社(以下、NEC)は、Clarivate plc(以下、Clarivate社)による「Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators 2023」に選出されました。Clarivate社は、グローバルイノベーションエコシステムのトップに位置し、優れたイノベーションパフォーマンスを継続的に発揮している企業・組織を選出しています。NECは12年連続での選出となります。

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Clarivate社は、200カ国以上、45,000を超える政府・学術機関、企業、法律事務所等にサービスを提供する世界最大級のデータベース企業です。「Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators 2023」は、Clarivate社が保有するデータに基づき、評価・ランク付けの結果、上位100の企業・組織を選出するアワードです。直近5年間で100件以上の特許を取得した企業・組織を対象に、4つの要素「影響力」、「成功率」、「グローバル性」、「希少性」によって評価されます。


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Top 100 Global Innovators 2023特設サイト

(注2)Clarivate社Derwent Innovation使用。総合特許インパクト:特許公報の総合的な重要性、技術分野での重要度:技術領域における特許公報の相対的な重要度

-English follows-
NEC selected in Top 100 Global Innovators by Clarivate for 12th consecutive year

NEC Corporation (NEC) has been selected as one of the Top 100 Global Innovators in 2023 by Clarivate Plc. Clarivate selects companies and organizations “which sit at the very top of the global innovation ecosystem, with the most consistent above-the-bar innovation performance.” This is the 12th consecutive year that NEC has been selected for this award.

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Clarivate is one of the world's largest database companies, serving more than 45,000 government and academic institutions, corporations, and law firms in more than 200 countries. The Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators 2023 is an award presented to the top 100 companies and organizations, who are evaluated and ranked based on Clarivate’s proprietary data. The top 100—selected from companies and organizations that have filed at least 100 patents in the last five years—are evaluated based on the following four factors: Influence, Success, Globalization, and Rarity.

NEC is concentrating its patent resources in strong technology areas that will drive the growth model outlined in the Mid-term Management Plan 2025*. In the technology areas of biometric authentication, image recognition, and AI, we have built one of the top global patent portfolios in terms of combined patent impact** in international patent applications (PCT). NEC's selection for this award is a testament to our commitment to fostering innovation in intellectual property activities.

In addition to strengthening intellectual property in technology areas that drive growth businesses, NEC is actively using its intellectual property for advancing co-creation with stakeholders.

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Research conducted by NEC. It covers PCT applications published internationally up to January 2023. The top 10 companies in cumulative PCT applications are listed. All values in the figure are integrated values.**

Top 100 Global Innovators 2023
Clarivate Press Release

*(NEC) Mid-term Management Plan 2025
**Source: Clarivate's Derwent Innovation. Combined Patent Impact: How important a patent is relative to any others. Domain Influence: How influential a patent is to the technical domain to which it belongs.

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