フランス量子金融QuantFiが日本市場進出。日本に法人設立, 量子金融のトレーニングコース&チュートリアル発売の予定
配信日時: 2021-08-01 11:15:24
QuantFi, a French Quantum Finance startup, enters the Japanese market
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-f5f7638e08c2d5bfe248-0.png ]
[English follows Japanese]
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Press Release
Purchase & Cost
購入はblueqat社* のウェブサイトを窓口とし、決済およびe-Learningとしての学習環境はイギリスのQURECA社** のプラットフォームで完結する。価格は現行の英語版が£800(約12万円)のため、字幕付きの日本市場版も同等の価格になる見込み。なお学生割引あり
「金融のための量子アルゴリズム (Quantum Algorithms for Computational Finance)」
[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-c4ffda6f801e513e4b8a-1.png ]
In-house live training (on-premise)
量子金融アルゴリズムのチュートリアルは2021年8月を目指して日本語版を販売開始予定。こちらはblueqat社のウェブサイトから購入可能(価格は近日中に発表)。内容は、取引決済・ポートフォリオ管理に対する量子近似最適化アルゴリズム(Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, QAOA)、VaR(バリュー・アット・リスク)とデリバティブの価格設定に対する量子振幅推定(QAE)、そして量子機械学習(Quantum Machine Learning, QML) の3つ。
共同創業者でCEOのKevin Callaghan(ケヴィン・キャラハン)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨク出身でウォールストリートの金融マン(銀行・証券)だったため金融の専門家としてQuantFiをリードし、日本市場における量子金融の発展に貢献していく。また、アメリカが母国であることを活用し、QuantFiのアメリカ市場進出も進めている。
これによりフランス本社は、年初にマクロン大統領が発表した「Quantum Plan」***という量子技術への18億ユーロ(約2,345億円)の投資政策による投資が期待され見通しは明るく、今後フランス・日本・アメリカの3カ国を中心に世界展開を進めていく。
[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-a3f86c9d0e08601ca3cc-2.png ]
Kevin Callaghan
Co-Founder & CEO
JP Morgan Chase、Lehman Brothers、Barclays Capitalで株式投資のストラクチャリング、証券化などを担当し、2019年7月にフランスでQuantFiを起業。金融機関向けの量子コンピュータアルゴリズム開発を専門としたリサーチカンパニーとして、日米欧の大学や企業との共同研究や、クライアント企業に対して、量子関連の最先端・古典アルゴリズムの研究、実証、トレーニングなどを提供している。
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-callaghan-2833028/
Country Manager
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaori-tanaka/
[画像4: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-0feef031f186136a1da7-3.png ]
Finolab Channel on YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nua-9HZ7o4
[画像5: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-bd67d2b59ee4e3d0ba72-4.png ]
AWS、IBM(米国)、マイクロソフト(米国)、IonQ(米国)、D-Wave Systems(カナダ)、Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc. (カナダ)、Zapata Computing(米国)、Cambridge Quantum Computing Japan(英国)、Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech(スペイン)、QuantFi(フランス)、Nord Quantique(カナダ)
[画像6: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-3c4e665b233ef9695aa5-5.png ]
URL: https://qureca.com/
***「Quantum Plan」
QuantFi (クオントファイ)
55 Rue la Boétie, 75008 Paris, France
QuantFi 田中香織
+81 90 3964 5707
[画像7: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-f5f7638e08c2d5bfe248-0.png ]
Press Release
QuantFi, a French Quantum Finance startup, enters the Japanese market
Establishing a company in Japan
Planning to launch training courses & tutorials on Quantum Finance
Quantum Finance Training Courses
QuantFi has been already selling a training course for systematic learning of quantum finance (English version) due to the large need for training personnel in the quantum computing industry worldwide. Therefore, taking into account the strength and potential of the quantum computing industry in Japan, and considering Japan as an important market, QuantFi plans to launch a training course with Japanese subtitles during September 2021.
Purchase & Cost
The purchase will be made through the blueqat website, and the payment and e-Learning environment will be completed through the platform of QURECA in the UK. The current English version is priced at £800 (around ¥120,000), and the Japanese market version with subtitles is expected to be priced at the same level. Student discounts are available.
[画像8: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-c4ffda6f801e513e4b8a-1.png ]
The target audience is expected to range from business managers in the financial industry to professors, students, and researchers at universities and research institutions. The course requires a high level of mathematical knowledge. However, as a prerequisite for starting the quantum finance course, a basic level version of the course is also available, allowing you to learn the basics of quantum computing in general. The basic level version is also available for corporate business developers and managers in the innovation department.
In-house live training (on-premise)
QuantFi can also provide live training for financial institutions (e.g. in-house training for companies) upon request. In France, we had 2-4 days of quantum financial training for 2 major European banks.
For the Japanese market, the training can be provided online starting from 16:00 Japan time. As we believe that providing general and technical support for training courses by Japanese speakers is particularly important in the Japanese market, we plan to obtain support from our partners. However, as the need for quantum finance training courses is expected to grow in the future, we are currently looking for new people who are experts in quantum finance, either at universities, companies, or as freelancers, to help facilitate and provide technical support for these training courses. Please contact us if you are interested.
As the live training course is customizable, the price will be decided after specific consultation.
Quantum Finance Tutorials
The Japanese version of the tutorials on quantum financial algorithms will be available for purchase by August 2021. It can be purchased from blueqat's website (price to be announced soon). Tutorials for : Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) for trade settlement and portfolio management, Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE) for value-at-risk (VaR) and derivatives pricing, and Quantum Machine Learning (QML).
Incorporation in Japan and Global Strategy for future business
QuantFi has been doing business in Japan since 2019 with a country manager (Kaori Tanaka). As Japan is one of the leading countries in the quantum computing industry, we see it as an important market, and we are preparing to establish a corporation in 2021, as we expect our business in Japan to expand further. The registered address is almost finalized, but if there are any offers from shared office companies, universities, etc. to provide us with practical office space that can be registered, we will gladly accept them.
Co-founder and CEO Kevin Callaghan, a New York native and former Wall Street financier (banking and securities), is leading QuantFi as a financial expert and will contribute to the development of quantum finance in the Japanese market. He is also taking advantage of the fact that the US is his home country to expand QuantFi into the US market.
QuantFi's headquarters in France is expected to benefit from the 1.8 billion euros investment in quantum technology under the "Quantum Plan "announced by President Macron at the beginning of this year. QuantFi's global expansion will be focused on France, Japan, and the United States.
-Activities in Japan in the last 6 months
-Future Plan
[画像9: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-eae87d206487298fcdaf-6.png ]
Company Overview
QuantFi is a French start-up research firm formed in 2019 that specializes in creating quantum computer algorithms for the financial services industry. It is engaged in fundamental and applied research in collaboration with leading universities and public laboratories. The long-term strategy is to utilize quantum computing technology to perform financial portfolio management, risk management, and trade optimization. QuantFi offers its clients research, state-of-the-art quantum and classical algorithms, testing, collaborations with universities and companies, and training.
Contact us
[画像10: https://prtimes.jp/i/51787/2/resize/d51787-2-a3f86c9d0e08601ca3cc-2.png ]
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