配信日時: 2014-01-22 12:00:00
Vuzix Corporation(ビュージックス コーポレーション/東京支店:東京都港区・代表:藤井慶一郎)は、M2000ARの一般販売を開始したことをお知らせいたします。
December 10, 2013 – Los Angeles (Wearable Technology Expo) – Vuzix(R) Corporation (Rochester, NY) (OTCQB: VUZI), a leading supplier of Video Eyewear and Smart Glasses products in the enterprise and consumer markets, today announced a major optical breakthrough that will dramatically improve glasses-based wearable technology.
The new Waveguide optics engine jointly developed with Nokia(R), for the first time enables smart eyewear technology capable of fitting into standard glasses frames and is being first introduced with the release of the Vuzix M2000AR HMD.
Waveguide optics are a revolutionary new way of moving light within smart glasses and are a fraction of the size and weight of conventional prism-based optics used in competing wearable smart devices.
Waveguide optics also deliver a much wider field of view for the user.
As opposed to requiring large optics to focus and create the required virtual image, Waveguide optics use a 1.4mm thin “window” (operating similar to a fiber optic) with a tiny input pupil that is expanded using a hologram in front of the eye. Light is not bent through bulk material as in conventional optics, which provides a significant improvement in mass, weight, volume, simplicity and overall optical performance.
The technology was originally developed by Nokia and licensed to Vuzix.
Vuzix integrated it with its own waveguide technology and developed other improvements for its release into Vuzix products.
The first Vuzix product to use the revolutionary Waveguide technology is the highly anticipated and immediately available M2000AR for Enterprise.
This monocular solution is not only the first of many planned waveguide-based solutions for 2014 – it is also ruggedized for industrial applications.
The M2000AR also includes:
720p display and 1080p camera
HDMI Interface
Electronic sunglass “tint”
30° FOV
Daylight usable with up to 8,000 Nits of brightness
Integrated head tracking
Integrated compass
Anodized aluminum alloy enclosure
Rechargeable lithium ion battery
■M2000AR 商品紹介ページ
Vuzix Corporation(ビュージックス コーポレーション)
所在地: 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂4-1-1 SHIMA赤坂ビル
TEL : 03-6234-4170
FAX : 03-6234-4595
E-MAIL: japan@vuzix.com
企業名:Vuzix Corporation
担当者名:柏 元祐
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