

配信日時: 2022-03-30 08:00:00

クオンタムソリューションズ株式会社は、本日開催の取締役会において、当社子会社であるQuantum FOMM(以下「QF」という。)が株式会社FOMM(以下「FOMM」という。)とFOMMへの電気自動車(EV)の製造等委託発注を行うための「覚書」(以下「本覚書」という。)を締結すること及び、それに伴い資金の借入(以下「本件借入」という。)を行うことを決議いたしましたので、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。

1. 本覚書の概要
本覚書に基づき、当社グループは、2022年4月(予定)より電気自動車(EV)「FOMM ONE」の製造に着手し、完成次第、順次販売を行ってまいります。

2. 資金の借入の理由
本覚書に基づき、QFからFOMMに対して支払う電気自動車(EV)「FOMM ONE」の製造等を委託するために必要な資金の一部を調達するためのものです。

3. 本件借入の概要

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/77168/14/resize/d77168-14-21bf24d8b7fe25356c2c-5.png ]


4. 今後の見通し

[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/77168/14/resize/d77168-14-a0c950a20750076e7aa6-1.png ]

[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/77168/14/resize/d77168-14-705b3672128740950387-2.png ]

The Company decided that Quantum FOMM (“QF”), a subsidiary of the Company, and FOMM Corporation (“FOMM”) signed a "Memorandum" in relation to outsourcing of electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing, etc. with FOMM, and granted a corresponding loan (the “Loan”) at the board meeting held today,. The details are as follows.

1. Summary of the Memorandum
With reference to "Notice Regarding the Conclusion of a Basic Agreement with FOMM Corporation for the Sale and Manufacture of Electric Vehicles" dated 31 January 2022, the Memorandum is published in relation to the basic agreement between QF and FOMM and the agreement for QF to entrust FOMM to manufacture electric vehicles (EVs).
Pursuant to the memorandum, the Group will officially start the manufacturing and sales of electric vehicles (EVs), “FOMM ONE” from April, 2022 (schduled) and will sell sequentially upon completion.

2. Reasons for Granting Loan
Pursuant to the Memorandum, The Loan is granted for the payment of manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs) “FOMM ONE” by FOMM and FOMM’s operations.

3. Summary of the Loan

[画像4: https://prtimes.jp/i/77168/14/resize/d77168-14-10812d5b7126b8ccc2fa-6.png ]

※ According to the "Report on Large Shareholding/Change of Shareholding" submitted by the Company on 2 February 2022, the Company is the major shareholder holding 2,177,874 shares of the Company. It is also disclosed in the "Notice on the Transfer of Largest Shareholders and Major Shareholders" published by the company on 8 March 2022. the Company confirms the number of shares held by each shareholder based on the register of shareholders.
※※The Company has a complete system to review and verify the appropriateness of transactions with related parties within the Company. The Company believes that the purpose of the transaction is essential to the electric vehicle business and necessary for the recovery of the Group's future performance, so it is of the view that the transaction is reasonable. In addition, the Company has confirmed that the interest rate of the loan has no significant deviation from the market interest rate, and thus has confirmed the conditions in relation to the Loan.

4. Future Outlook
The performance forecast for the fiscal year - February 2023 will be disclosed in the financial report to be released on 11 April 2022.

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