【香港初出店】牛カツ京都勝牛 香港1号店グランドオープン!コロナ禍でもオープン初日から連日行列の大盛況!


配信日時: 2021-02-26 09:00:00


株式会社ゴリップ(代表取締役:原信吾、本社:京都府京都市)は、香港外食大手と提携し、2021年2月19日(金)に「牛カツ京都勝牛 香港店」をグランドオープン致しました。牛カツ京都勝牛の海外出店は、2016年の韓国にはじまり台湾、カナダ、香港と4ヶ国となります。

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/14852/222/resize/d14852-222-690387-2.png ]


[オープン日] 2021年2月19日(金)
[店名] 牛カツ京都勝牛 香港店
[住所] 銅鑼灣謝斐道535 TOWER 535 地庫 B01 號舖
[営業時間] 12:00~22:00


[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/14852/222/resize/d14852-222-770812-0.png ]


<お問合せ> info@golip-holdings.com


[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/14852/222/resize/d14852-222-385203-1.png ]

「食文化に新しい風を。世の中に大きなインパクトを。人々にパワーを。」を経営理念に据え、「牛カツ京都勝牛」を中心に「サムギョプサル専門店ベジテジや」「肉が旨いカフェNICK STOCK」など、日本全国でマルチブランドを展開中。

Kyoto, Japan (February 26, 2021) - “Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu” first store in Hong Kong opened in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Despite the many restrictions imposed due to COVID-19, we received a warm welcome from the locals, and once again we felt a great sense of accomplishment.

“Gyukatsu”, Japanese-style deep-fried BEEF-CUTLETS, were first conceptualized 2014, becoming the latest trend amongst local foodies and eventually earning a spot as a beloved mainstream dish that can be found all over Japan. While sushi, ramen, and tempura are Japan’s most famous exports, Gyukatsu is rapidly making waves around the world.

“Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu”, the pioneer of Gyukatsu, has opened restaurants in four overseas countries Korea, Taiwan, Canada, and Hong Kong. In the future, we are planning to open restaurants in Singapore and Vietnam. And we are also looking for local partners to open restaurants in China, the United States, European countries, and Thailand.

We will proactively respond to the growing demand for Japan brand in countries around the world amid the anticipated long-term restrictions on overseas travel under COVID-19.

Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu’s core mission is to make “deep fried beef cutlet” from Kyoto the world’s choice of “Gyukatsu”! We will continue to introduce “Gyukatsu” to the world. And we are convinced that now is the right time to make a big leap forward.

Name of the shop: Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu Hong Kong
Location: B01, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hon Kong
Business hours: 12:00~22:00

ABOUT Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu
Founded in Japan in 2014, “Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu” pioneered the gyukatsu concept as a new way of enjoying beef. The concept quickly grew because gyukatsu tasted different from conventional cutlets, really highlighting the freshness of the beef.

At “Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu” only high-quality beef is used. If guests are seeking something more premium, they can also choose wagyu for their gyukatsu. Gyukatsu is best served medium rare, where it’s in its most delicious state, hence why it’s extremely important to only use high quality meat not only to ensure food safety but also to bring out the most of the meat’s umami flavours.

Customers flocked to the restaurant for its commitment to always having the best gyukatsu, making “Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu” a local favourite in Kyoto.

Their popularity led the brand to quickly expand to over 70 stores in Asia in only four years.

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